The Matrix racing tires range land in France in January 2024!
Founded in 1995, Matrix Racing Tires is the brainchild of Italian racing enthusiast Cristian Boni. An RC enthusiast from an early age, Cristian entered the world of RC to create competition tires.
He idealized his entrepreneurial vision and applied it to this world, which motivated him to constantly develop and strive for the best quality. Having become one of the world leaders in tires for radio-controlled cars on asphalt tracks, the Matrix company has recently expanded into the off-road tire market with the same passion and determination to win.
In 2023, the 1/8 buggy tire range is presented, with the announcement of a team of very talented and renowned drivers such as world champions Davide Ongaro, David Ronnefalk and Adrien Bertin.
Matrix tires and rims are manufactured directly in the factory near Milan, Italy, with the quality and expertise of decades of experience and modern, automated production techniques.
The compounds
If the track is predominantly dirt, we recommend the use of "standard" rubber compounds.
On the other hand, if the surface is oiled, and/or the track has many synthetic sections (astro, wood, carpet, cobblestones...), it's imperative to use Clay rubber, which will give you much better performance and greater comfort on the astro, for example.
Pink compound: Ultra soft.
For temperatures below 10/15°C, or track conditions where tires don't heat up (dusty, very low grip).
The softer rubber gives more movement to the pins, generating more grip in dusty conditions, for example.
Red compound: Super soft.
For temperatures between 10 and 20°C, or tracks that are beginning to be swept, with less dust.
Wear is reduced compared with Ultra Soft rubber, and the tire holds better, giving your car greater precision.
Green compound: Soft.
For temperatures above 20°C, or medium-grip tracks.
Blue compound: Medium.
For temperatures above 25°C or when the grip and wear start to be high.
Yellow compound: Hard.
For extreme temperatures and wear.
Clay Super soft compound (one gold dot and one orange dot).
For temperatures below 10/15°C on oiled tracks and/or synthetic surfaces (wood, cobblestones, etc.). Or if the track is slippery outside these temperatures.
Special care must be taken when glueing Clay Super Soft rubber. It is strongly recommended to use a primer before gluing, or to degrease the tire with paint thinner (in DIY stores), otherwise you run the risk of unglueing.
Clay Soft compound (one gold dot and one green dot).
For temperatures above 15°C on oiled tracks and/or synthetic surfaces (wood, cobblestones, etc.).
Clay Medium compound (one gold dot and one blue dot).
For temperatures over 25°C on oiled tracks and/or synthetic surfaces (wood, cobblestones, etc.). When grip is very high and the car tends to go upside down very easily.
The Treads
The perfect tire for dust-free indoor or swept tracks.
The bars offer unmatched traction, while the small pimples give the precision needed on this kind of track.
Despite its reduced stud height, this tire still offers very limited wear and a long service life in the conditions in which it excels, thanks to its rigid carcass with low expansion (centrifugation).
Last tires in the range released in 2023. This multi-pins profile is a go-to when showing up at the race track. Particularly effective on dusty tracks or when the ground is sticky (wet), the neutron will delight you!
The easiest tire in the range. Thanks to its high, widely-spaced pins, the Stardust will be the most accessible tire if you drive in dusty and/or bumpy track conditions.
It's also highly effective on astro or synthetic tracks with clay rubber.
Thanks to its soft structure and diamond-shaped pins, the Nova will be the best choice on slippery tracks or when dirt really sticks to the tire in muddy conditions.
Particularly appreciated in winter, when an ultra-soft rubber is preferred, the shape of the studs and the carcass of the tire make it even softer for even more grip!
Versatile multi-pin tires for lightly dusty or blue groove tracks, tending to high grip.
Also the tire of choice on high-grip tracks to limit wear.
New for 2025. The Red Giant will be the absolute weapon on abrasive tracks where longevity is required. Its tightly-packed pins on the tread give it unrivalled forward traction.
The tire of choice on high-grip or grooved tracks to limit wear (even more durable than the Nebula in equal conditions).
Its higher outside diameter gives you extra comfort, particularly on track with holes.
Tires chart
Looking for the right tire and compound for your racetrack?
Our tires application chart makes it easy to find the right tread and rubber for every condition.
Reno's tips:
Usually, when you arrive at a track during a race, the layout may not have been used or the conditions may be new.
Often with dust or even holes, then gradually the dust goes away and the groove come up.
It's not always like this, but it's a general rule.
So I'd advise you to start with an all-purpose tire such as Stardust or Neutron, then gradually decrease in pin size to Nebula, or even Black hole if the track is really clean.
Don't hesitate to let us know what you think in the comments!
See you soon for a new episode!
The Shark
Reno Savoya
By Franck Orhan 02/24/2025 13:55:33
Bonjour Reno, l'année dernière j'ai disputé la dernière course de ligue TT 1/8 sur astro mouillé en stardust gomme clay soft (t< ou = 10°C). C'était très difficile, car ça glissait beaucoup, du coup j'ai dû rouler en AKA impact ultra soft, car je les connais bien. C'était beaucoup mieux Cette année, je vais rouler uniquement en Matrix. Que me conseils tu en profil pour l'astro sec et mouillé? Cordialement
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By RSRC (account_circle Blog Author) 03/02/2025 23:52:24
Bonjour Oui, il aurait fallu être en clay ultra soft sur de l'humide et température <= 10°C. Si c'est vraiment de l'eau avec des flaques, neutron ultra soft, si juste humide: clay ultra soft.